Fei Peng

I received my B.S. and M.S. from Carnegie Mellon University, and am currently a PhD student at the National University of Singapore advised by Hao Huang. My research interests include posets, combinatorial designs, hypercubes, extremal combinatorics and spectral graph theory.


Distribution of missing differences in diffsets
with Scott Harvey-Arnold and Steven J. Miller
Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory IV, Springer-Verlag, 347 (2021), 261-281.

What can you draw?
with Florian Frick
American Mathematical Monthly (2022), 1-15.

Walking to infinity along some number theoretic sequences
with Steven J. Miller, Tudor Popescu, Joshua M. Siktar, Nawapan Wattanawanichkul, and the Polymath REU Program

A construction for cube Ramsey
with Tom Bohman
Order (2022).

Coprime mappings and lonely runners
with Tom Bohman
Mathematika, 68(3) (2022), 784-804.

My work email is $(pf)^2$ at u.nus.edu.